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What Makes A Great Manager - Advice for New Managers

​Great managers are essential for the success of any organization. These personnel help to achieve an effective and productive workforce that improves the usual performance level of an organization.

Their role, if well executed, helps to increase market share, profit making, and reduces costs. Take, for instance, the success of Japan in industrial development, which can be attributed to its management system. The style of management a manager employs is inherent to the success of any organization.

 Who, then, is a manager? A manager can be defined as an individual charged with the responsibility to control or administer all or some of the activities or departments of a company or organization. This may sound like an easy task to perform, but there are certain qualities that make someone a great manager.

So, what makes a great manager – the kind of manager that inspires team members, fosters growth and productivity, and puts in effort to make their team successful.

The key to a successful management role lies in the relationship that exists between a manager and staff. The way the staff is managed separates ordinary managers from the exceptional ones.

If you were recently promoted to a management position, here are some things you can incorporate into your work to achieve success within an organization: 

Invest time to develop your team

Being a manager is a whole lot more than getting more jobs done. You must understand the skill level and career goals of each staff member and create opportunities for everyone to acquire new skills that will collectively benefit the organization in the long run. When you pay attention to the needs of your team members, the success of the organization will be a priority to them. 

Delegate duties

As a manager, ensure that you delegate duties appropriately amongst your team. It is important for you to assess the skills of your team members early. By so doing, you will be able to delegate tasks based on what each team member can handle. Break larger issues into smaller ones, assigning tasks to each team member to help in solving the smaller issues. This way everyone will contribute his or her quota to solving the larger problem. 

Encourage open communication

It is important for your team to be able to ask questions and share ideas freely. Encourage your team members to ask clarifying questions. Give them feedback about their work. This will help to create a comfortable environment for team work. 

Provide constructive feedback

There is no perfect person. Everyone possesses unique strengths while also having areas that require development. As a manager, your duty is to have the know-how to leverage the strengths of your team members, and also to be an example to them. 

Say no when necessary

As hard as it seems, occasions may arise when you need to say no. As a great manager, regardless of other people’s opinions and feelings, you should know how to say no – especially when making the right decision. This can also be applied in situations when new assignment requests come from other departments that you believe should not be handled by your team. 

Give Credit

This sounds simple. It is important to give credit to your team members after working hard and successfully achieving a milestone. Apart from promotions and bonuses, there are little ways you can show appreciation to your team for their dedication and hard work. You can organize a team bonding event, or simply send an email shout-out to acknowledge their great performance and boost their morale.

 It's never too late to start implementing some of the qualities of great managers. As a new manager, once you have achieved success in a given milestone, never lose sight that your role as manager is an ongoing process. Be creative enough to find ways to fuel your motivational strategies. Always remember that a motivated workforce makes the workplace a fun place to be, as well as increases the productivity and profitability of an organization.

Key Takeaways:

  • A great manager improves performance level of an organization by inspiring team members, fostering growth and productivity, and puts in effort to make the team successful.

  • Investing time to develop your team will allow them to acquire skills that will collectively benefit the organization while helping them achieve their career goals.

  • Delegating duties based on what each member can handle can ensure that everyone can contribute to the solving the situation.

  • Encouraging open communication creates a comfortable and honest environment where constructive feedback and the sharing of ideas are welcome.

  • Acknowledging and giving credit to your team members can show your appreciation and boost morale.

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